Business Development Centre provides a variety of services for individuals and corporations that have Non-Resident status in Canada.
Our specialists provide a 100% risk free solution where you keep the entire control of your business; no need for partners or Canadian directors. You can act as the sole director and shareholder of the business.
- Benefits:
- You become the owner of a formal Canadian legal entity
- You keep 100% of control and decision making responsibility
- You can be the only person in the corporation acting as director, president, secretary, treasure and shareholder of the corporation
- There are no requirements for minimum authorized capital ($100.00 would be sufficient)
- There are no restrictions on issued capital
- You can receive mail in Canada and forward it anywhere in the world
- You can have a Canadian email address, business website and own .CA domain name
- You can have Canadian telephone and fax services
Read about How to Incorporate.
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